About Me

Jared and I have been married two years now. In November we will have been together 9 years. Crazy to think. We definitely grew up together and I think that's what makes us work so well. We had a daughter in June and we're not sure why we didn't do so sooner. We love her with our life. She is the best thing that's ever happened to us. I love having my own family. We live in Fayetteville and LOVE IT. We are always back and forth on whether or not we'll move back to Alma. I see us back down there one day but I see our life always being in NWA. If only we could pack our families up and move them up here!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Well, shoot!

So I totally jinxed Rubes. I am constantly thinking about how she's so healthy but tell myself "don't say it out loud"... Well, I did. In my blog. And now she has strep throat. What?!?!

At 1:00 in the morning she was just so restless and crying over and over. Not just her dream crying. So I went to check on her and she was burning up. 101 or so... Don't remember, saw 10----and knew it was bad. I gave her some Tylenol and she slept with us the rest of the night. Very restless.

We get up for work (maybe) and she's totally lethargic. Fever is back up. Jared insists I take her to the doctor. Now, of course I want to but at the same time, if you've ever been "that mom" at the doctor's office insisting something is wrong and finding out its "just teeth", "just a cold", you'd want to wait too. But I asked my very best mom friends and they both agreed, take her in.

I'm so glad I did. The 3 hour wait was worth it. Poor sissy. She's so pitiful and miserable.

So we'll just lay here, on the couch, as long as she wants/needs.

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