I do realize I haven't posted in a month and a half. I have thought about just getting rid of this blog altogether but I haven't. Sorry to all my readers. All 5 of you. Ha!
So Ruby is 1!!!!!! OMG! I mean can time slow down a little please? I just can not believe it. She really will be 18 going off to college before I know it.
So I will just post a few things she loves and is doing.
She is walking like a champ! Actually she runs from me sometimes. She loves to play the "I'm gonna get you" game.
She is finally officially in the big girl bath tub. We tried and tried to get her out of that duckie forever. Finally as of about two weeks ago she is fine without it.
She is still talking but not saying as many words as she knows. She says "daddy" allllllll the time. She calls me daddy. Ha! She just can't spit out mama as easy. It's ok with me. She has started this grunting thing instead of using her words and I'm not sure why. I think because of a little boy who does it at school. We have to tell her "use your words Ruby". She says "yep" now all the time. She still says "no". :) screams a lot when she gets excited and laughs like crazy.
She throws tantrums. She literally throws herself on the floor and kicks and cries. She started that last week. I actually haven't seen her do it this week because we're trying to nip that quick. Not acceptable.
She points at what she wants if she can see it.
Loves loves loves OUTSIDE! I mean runs to the back door when I ask if he wants to go out.
Jared put sand down for the pool so
it's all around it. She loves to play in it. If it were in the shade I'd let her play for hours. She likes the pool but doesn't last more than 45 minutes before she's bored. She can't do much in it.
She is still taking a bottle before bed and sometimes before her afternoon nap. I don't see us getting off them for another month or so and it doesn't bother me at all. Judge me if you want.
She has 9 TEETH!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was only 8 but tonight we found a dang molar!!!!! I could NOT believe it! I kept saying "oh my gosh!" and she said "what?". Haha! So funny.
She eats a lot. She still isn't crazy about breakfast but by lunch, snack and dinner time she pigs out. She loves whole milk and I'm pretty happy about that. Still isn't keen on juice at all. It's water or milk and I'm ok with that.
She is sleeping from about 7:30 pm to 6-7 am. I'm working on getting her to sleep in. :) She is still on two naps. We still rock but only for a bit then we put her in bed and she goes to sleep on her own.
I feel like I'm raising a genius. I know everyone thinks their children are the smartest and I'm definitely one of them. She has the biggest and funnest personality. She also has an attitude. Tonight she leaned in and gave me kisses and I cried. It was the sweetest thing ever.
I did not cry on her birthday like I thought I would. It is bittersweet seeing her get older. I miss having that tiny bundle of joy but now I have a walking, talking bundle of joy and she keeps me on my toes!
She had a great birthday. We had a birthday party for her on Saturday with our family. I took the day off on her actual birthday and had my nieces over. The only thing that would have made it better is if Chaz and Tucker could have been here.
Ruby I will never stop thanking God for you. You are the light of your daddy and I's life. We love you!
About Me
- SarahInman
- Jared and I have been married two years now. In November we will have been together 9 years. Crazy to think. We definitely grew up together and I think that's what makes us work so well. We had a daughter in June and we're not sure why we didn't do so sooner. We love her with our life. She is the best thing that's ever happened to us. I love having my own family. We live in Fayetteville and LOVE IT. We are always back and forth on whether or not we'll move back to Alma. I see us back down there one day but I see our life always being in NWA. If only we could pack our families up and move them up here!
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