Well surprise surprise, I'm behind on my blogging. This may or may not be a long one depending on when I get tired of typing. :)
Things are great here. Everyone is healthy thank the Lord! Jared and I both had the nasty stomach bug. That virus is no joke. I hurt so bad I thought I was dying! Then Kathy got it. She called Wednesday morning saying she couldn't keep Ruby. Then Wednesday night her husband Bruce called saying she was still so sick. Poor thing. We took her paycheck by yesterday (Saturday) and he said she was STILL SICK! I didn't even have it for 24 hours and neither did Jared. She is supposed to be going to her daughter's (who is expecting Kathy's first grand baby) and I am just praying she makes it. They were supposed to work on the nursery.
So on a Ruby note....this girl cracks me up. She is something else. Growing like a weed. It's something new every day. She turns 9 months tomorrow. By the way, I starting writing this Sunday night and now it's Monday morning.
Ruby loves going outside. Even when she's crabby cakes if we take her outside it's like she just woke up from a nap. I got her a walker last weekend and she likes it ok. She enjoys going up and down the driveway but doesn't love it inside.
She's definitely "cruising". Yesterday she was basically standing on her own. I think she will be walking before we know it.
She is still on both breast milk and formula. Mostly formula though because I'm stingy with the bm. She loves both. It doesn't phase her either way as long as its a nice warm bottle.
She's still just doing baby food and I'm afraid I have a picky eater on my hands. A stubborn, picky eater. Mainly she only eats good if it's squash, sweet potatoes, and/or bananas. I don't care as long as she's getting a full belly. This week at her 9 month check I will ask what we can give her for breakfast as a solid (no I don't know). I will also ask about juice and snacks.
She's talking a lot. She babbles all the time. Her words are mama or mom, dada, up, no, yeah, bye, and she waves hi. She also shakes her head "no". Not on cue but she does it.
She absolutely LOOOOOVES her daddy. She bounces up and down and laughs when he gets home from work.
She also loves little kids. If there's a small child around I don't even have to worry about keeping her entertained. I told Jared the other day that she needs a brother or sister. He immediately shot that idea down. Don't worry though, I'm really not ready for that. I just think she gets bored with me.
She's about 20 lbs give or take. She's been slimming up. I can't wait until Wednesday to get her measurements. She still only has her bottom two teeth. I swear she's been trying to cut her top ones for months now.
Sleeping---yes I saved the best for last. :) She isn't great as you all know. She's still waking up at night and naps are few and far between. She's very easy to get back down at night though so that's nice. I said I was gonna do the sleep training this week but that lasted all of 10 minutes today. Which, by the way it's now Monday night.
Saturday and Sunday night I laid her in bed and she barely fought it and went to sleep. Tonight she fell asleep before she finished her bottle then I laid her down.
The way I see it is I do not want to quit rocking her, ever. Even if she learns to go to sleep on her own it's something I'd miss way too much. I know they say it'll help her sleep through the night but it is what it is. I can not handle her crying, not even for 5 minutes. It's just too sad. We'll all figure it out. At this point I'm used to it so I'm up even if she's not. I feel like she's slowly figuring it out so we'll see.
Well that's it folks. I don't know how you mama's do this all the time. I told myself when I get in bed I could not touch my book until I've finished this post, you're welcome for all of you that love to hear about us. :)
Tomorrow is her 9 month birthday. In a short 3 months she will be 1!!!! Omg!!!
Have a good rainy week! Here's a few pictures I have on my phone. Jared took the 12,000 I had stored off last week to give me more "storage" space!
About Me
- SarahInman
- Jared and I have been married two years now. In November we will have been together 9 years. Crazy to think. We definitely grew up together and I think that's what makes us work so well. We had a daughter in June and we're not sure why we didn't do so sooner. We love her with our life. She is the best thing that's ever happened to us. I love having my own family. We live in Fayetteville and LOVE IT. We are always back and forth on whether or not we'll move back to Alma. I see us back down there one day but I see our life always being in NWA. If only we could pack our families up and move them up here!
Love the pics! Love you guys!